ruka2.gif (3631 bytes)Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies

Slovak language

Address: Centrum pre liecbu drogových závislostí,   Hranicná 2, POBox 51, 82799 Bratislava     Slovak Republic, Europe Tel: +421-7-53417467   +421-7-53417464   Fax: +421-7-53417475      e-mail: , official e-mail:

New free of charge Internet consultancy

Mission | Attitude   | Character of Institution | Programs
self-discipline - responsibility - humanity-   achievement  

Hranicna Street Sanatorium Jaskový rad

relax - fitness centre

Therapeutic community

excursion "drog-stop-štýl"

vaccination and testing of infectious diseases
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An assistance to all who have substance related problems and to those who are suffering from different types of addictions. The goal is to improve the health of our clients, to increase the quality of their life as well as to prolong it. The same accent is given by us on the parallel goal, support and promotion of healthy life style. We are introducing to our praxis the measures, which in the connection with drug use are reducing the risks of spreading of infectious diseases, criminal behavior and other negative phenomena in the community.


Our care is in the principle for the people who need it and wish to get it, and not for those who are refusing it. The Centre does not perform repressive functions. We are offering our services on the principle of voluntary admissions. We are respecting the human rights of our clients and we are preferring the civic principle. We are against all forms of discrimination and so called labeling of our clientele. Our institution is multimodal, which means, that it is providing different types of programs. We are offering so called low threshold services, which are accessible to everybody, but also the services with higher treshold, which could be used only after the fullfilement of specified preconditions.


The centre is public, not for profit, health institution. It is not directly financed from the state budget, but has to earn its money for the functioning in the conditions of the market ecnomy. So the majority of the programs provided by the centre are the programs paid by health insurance companies or by direct payments from client. We wellcome sponzorships either from the institutions or from the individuals. Cooperation with local city councils as well as with non-governmental organizations is a part of our functioning.


The Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies, Hranicna 2, Bratislava provides highly specialized services in 12 programs. It has about half of the hundred full-time employees and quarter of hundred part-time workers. The personnel is formed by physicians - specialists in psychiatry, interns, pediatricians, psychologists, social workers special pedagogists. The majority of our employees who are in contact with our clients has got a psychotherapeutic training. We have an intensive cooperation with massmedia. We cooperate with many institutions of the similar origin in abroad. Our employees attend besides in-service training many study tours, congresses and conferences all over the world. There are not only the clients from Slovakia, but also from abroad. CTDD is located in two renovated buildings in the second and the third district of Bratislava. We are implementing the most modern methods in counseling, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and resocialization for drug users and people with drug, alcohol and other addictions. Personal and technical equipment of the center has created the conditions for scientific research.

Brief description of several programs:

Institute of Drug Dependencies